Friday, January 22, 2010


Yes we think that as a consumer you should have the right to know if the foods you are eating have been genetically modified or not. While there are advantages to genetically modifying foods such as, higher tolerance to cold weather, the extreme heat, droughts, and pests that could potentially destroy the crop. On the other hand there are many life threatening health risks that come with genetically modified foods. Some of these risks include the development of serious life threatening allergies. Scientists are unsure of what effects genetically modified foods could have on human health. Because of all of these risks it is important for the consumer to be aware of what is in their food. The consumer has a right to know whether or not the food has been modified so they can make the choice to consume it or not. Many countries have made laws concerning genetically modified foods. These countries include, Japan, India, Brazil, Europe, and the United States.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


In the book Distant Waves, by Suzanne Weyns, there is a lot of talk of spirits. The five sisters mother can supposedly communicate with the spirit world. The girls live with her in the town of Spirit Vale with other spiritualists. Through out the book the main character Jane struggles with her belief in the supernatural. She is torn between loyalty to her mother, and her logical thoughts. I don't know if I believe in spirits. I used to watch the show Scariest Places on Earth, and at times I would think "that is completely fake" but other times in the show I would be seriously scared and believe one hundred percent that a ghost had been present. I still am uncertain about whether I believe in the supernatural. I will have to further investigate on the matter.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I just started reading a book about a family of five girls and their mother. They live in Spirit Vale where their mother talks to the spirits of people who have passed on. The inside cover of the book says their fates come together on the Titanic. I love the story of the Titanic. The movie is one of my top three, and I own several books on the Titanic. I think it is an interesting story which also has a good lesson behind it, anything can happen. There is an exhibit coming to the science museum that I am very excited to see. I hope it will be as amazing as I imagine, and I can't wait to go see it!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Marlena is my favorite character in "Water For Elephants". I can't exactly figure her out. She married august when she was really young. She left her family, and her home, and never looked back. August is a lot older then her. He charmed her, was nice, handsome and funny. They were married and by the time you meet them in the book have been for 10 years. Sometimes they are happy, but other times(mostly when August is in a bad mood) you see a different side. I feel bad for Marlena. She has to put up with a lot, but I think she knows that with out August, where would she go? She can't go back home, and she didn't finish school so how is she supposed to work? I'm interested to find out how the character of Marlena develops.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Into The Wild

In Into The Wild, Chris McCandless leaves his home, family, and possessions behind. He travels across the country and changes his name to Alex Supertramp. He aspires to live in the wilderness of Alaska. I would never have the courage and determination to do what Chris did. Although I do think it would be an amazing adventure, I would keep in touch with my family and friends. Unlike Chris I would also bring propper equipment into the wild, and also would probably go with a friend. Chris was much more ambitious then I am, and had he survived would have been able to tell the most amazing stories.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Im now reading the book Water For Elephants, by Sara Gruen. It is a good book, very interesting. I am not far but like it a lot. The main character has just lost his parents in a terrible car accident and he runs away from his college and ends up joining a circus. This reminds me of when I went to the circus at the State Fair when I was little. I had wanted to go ever since I saw the animated movie Pipi Longstocking. It looked so fun! My sisters and I finally convinced our dad to take us. It was so exciting! We got peanuts and cotton candy and settled in. There were clowns, and acrobats, lions, horses, monkeys, and my favorite elephants. The show was amazing, I had never seen anything like it! At the end of the show they were giving out elephant rides, and my dad surprised us by saying we could go get one! It was so much fun being up so high! My first circus was amazing and I will never forget it.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mystery Books

I am reading The A.B.C. Murders by Agatha Christie. She is a well know author of mystery novels, which I enjoy to read. I think mystery books are interesting because it mixes action with the element of surprise. You can follow along with the detective and read about the clues and piece together the mystery. In The A.B.C. Murders Hercule Poirot is the detective. Mr. Poirot is very smart, he reminds me of Sherlock Holmes. He is very observant, and somewhat quiet. He is very patient, and never rushes to figure out the mystery. I think that Hercule Poirot is a little creepy though, because he is older and is always making comments about how beautiful young women are. In the book Mr. Poirot hasn't really come up with an answer to the murders but i suspect he will soon.