Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Im now reading the book Water For Elephants, by Sara Gruen. It is a good book, very interesting. I am not far but like it a lot. The main character has just lost his parents in a terrible car accident and he runs away from his college and ends up joining a circus. This reminds me of when I went to the circus at the State Fair when I was little. I had wanted to go ever since I saw the animated movie Pipi Longstocking. It looked so fun! My sisters and I finally convinced our dad to take us. It was so exciting! We got peanuts and cotton candy and settled in. There were clowns, and acrobats, lions, horses, monkeys, and my favorite elephants. The show was amazing, I had never seen anything like it! At the end of the show they were giving out elephant rides, and my dad surprised us by saying we could go get one! It was so much fun being up so high! My first circus was amazing and I will never forget it.

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