Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Blog 12

 Imperialism is a scary thing. A country is invaded and life as they know it is uprooted. The people neither needed nor wanted the help of the outsiders but that is what they get. The definition of imperialism is "the policy of extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or by establishing economic and political hegemony over other nations"(American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 3rd ed.(New York: HOughton Mifflin, 1993), p.681). Imperialism began in Africa. King Leopold the Second was the first to grab land if Africa, taking the vast amount of land around the Congo River. Soon after, Africa was gobbled up. By 1914 all of North Africa was being controlled by European countries. South Africa was to be taken by Britain but not with out a fight from the native people. Like most natives who experienced imperialism and colonization, they did not want it. However after a series of bloody wars, the Europeans with their technology, succeeded in taking the south. Much of Africa is still run today by European countries, but many have escaped from the larger powers grips. They can no longer return to the simplistic lifestyles they once lived, but must continue to advance so as to keep up with the other "civilized" societies.

Western Heritage
Kagan, Donald
The Western Heritage/Donald Kagan, Steven Ozment, Frank M. Turner.-- 9th ed.p. cm
                 "combined volume."
                 Includes bibliographical references and idex.
                 1. Civilization, Western--History--Textbooks. I. Ozment, Steven E. Turner, Frank M. (Frank Miller), 1944-III.Title. CB245.k28 2006

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