Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Recent Read

Lily has just met Zach, the boy who helps August with the bees. The two teens hit it off right away. Zach tells Lily he wants to be a lawyer and she can't see that because he is african american. He tells her you have to believe stuff before you can see it. While they are going on a "bee run" to pick up honey Lily realizes that she likes him and will never have him and starts to cry. He comforts her, and tells her he likes her too but they just cannot be together. Lily is struggling with the fact that at some point this all has to end. She has to come out and tell August who she is, and she knows she has to do it soon.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Recent Read

In the The Secret Life Of Bees Rosaleen and Lily have arrived at the "Calender Sisters" house. Lily loves it there and hopes that they will never be found. I remember the book, but reading it now has definately opened me up to many things I missed before. I am excited to continue reading and get a better understanding of the book that I couldn't before.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Disney movies are full of heroes. A dashing knight, a beautiful princess, all contribute to the story and adventure. While compiling information about disney heroes I found there are two groups, men and women.


Hercules was a scrawny little boy, he became a hero and everyone loved him.

Simba returns to Pride Rock, kills Scar and assumes the throne as rightfull king, saving the kingdom
I know you!
I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you,
The gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
Yet, I know it’s true that visions are seldom all they seem
But If I know you, I know what you’ll do
You’ll love me at once
The way you did once upon a dream
Prince Philip falls in love with a peasant girl(who is really Aurora) and rescues her from Maleficent. He realizes it is really Aurora and they live happily ever after, having saved the kingdom.

In "A Troll In Central Park" Stanley is a troll with green thumb. When central park is turned into a concrete mess, Stanley uses his power to turn it green and lovely again.

Emperor [taking off his pendant]: Then take this, so your family will know what you have donefor me. And this [handing her the sword of Shan-Yu] so the world will know what you have donefor China.
Mulan saves China by fighting even though she wasn't supposed to, she is strong and the emperor rewards her.

Pocahontas saves John Smiths life and creates peace. Even though she's going against her father, she saves her people in the proccess.

Annie saves the orphanage by exposing Ms. Hanigan for the evil women she is.

Elizabeth Swan becomes the Pirate Queen and saves Jack and Will.
In Disney movies there are two different kinds of heroes, male and female. They are both strong and fulfill there role as a hero. Both the male and female heroes are selfless and perform their tasks for the good of others, that is why they are heroes.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Recent Read

I just started reading The Secret Life Of Bees last night. Although I have read it before I want to reread it before I see the movie. I am not very far but already feel that I understand more then I did when I first read it. It should be interesting to see how many things I missed the first time, I enjoyed the book and am excited to read it again.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Recent Read

Over MEA I went to my cabin with my dad and two sisters. My five younger cousins were up there too. Last night I read them Peter Pan, I haven't read that book in so many years. It is a great book, it is still one of my favorite. All of my cousins love it because it has adventure, magic, and a happy ending. Peter Pan is a classic that I will always enjoy.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Recent Read

Recently we read an article for english about a boy who lives with locked-in-syndrome. It was very sad. The boy cannot move except for his eyes, up and down, which he can barely do. It must be extremely frusterating living like that. I would absolutly hate it. In the article they were talking about this new technology that the doctors are using. They have inserted rods into his brain and can create sounds. I hope that this technology will advance quickly and that soon the boy will be able to comunicate clearly.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Recent Read

In "The Wednesday Wars" Holling has been picked to be in a Shakespeare play. He is a fairy, and is not happy about it at all. Mrs. Baker tells the whole class that he is in and that if they go see it they will get extra credit. On the same night as the play, a famous baseball player is coming to town to sign autographs. Holling plans on going to see him as soon as the play is over. Three kids from Hollings class go to the play, and even though Holling is in yellow tights they don't laugh. Holling goes to see the baseball player, still in his tights, and the player refuses to sign his ball. Holling is heart broken. But then Mrs. Baker has two other famous baseball players come and play with Holling and two of his friends. They get new mits and balls, and the players give them their hats and Holling gets a jacket. Mrs. Baker is a very interesting character, I cannot tell if she likes Holling or not, I am excited to find out.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Recent Read

I am currently reading "The Wednesday Wars" by Gary D. Schmidt. Its a book about a boy named Holling Hoodhood who spends his wednesday afternoons with his teacher Mrs. Baker. He is sure Mrs. Baker hates him and that she is out to get him. So far, he has had to clean all the erasers in the school, carry twelve trayloads of cream puffs up three flights of stairs, wash the chalkboar, windows, coat room and rats cage. Now they are reading the books of William Shakespeare. Im interested to find out what happens with Holling and Mrs. Baker, why is she "out to get him"?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Recent Read

I recently read the following poem out of the book "The Best Poems Ever",

Ezra Pound
The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet, black bough.

I think it is interesting that it got into the book "the Best Poems Ever" because although it does capture the feeling of people passing in a metro station it is so short. Had the author Ezra Pound gone on and made more comparisons I feel it would have been a much better poem and then may have earned the right to be in "The Best Poems Ever."

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Recent Read

Recently I finished the fourth book of the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn. It was amazing! The story line was really interesting and took lots of twists. My favorite character is Bella. I like her because she is an average girl who stumbles into this extraordinary life. Her whole life she has felt like she is so boring, but in reality her life hadn't even started. She now has this amazing family, something she was destined to have all along. This last three books of the series were so enticing, once you started reading them you just could not stop. The last one was no different, and I loved every minute of it.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Civil Action Paragraph Response

What we do to the earth reflects back onto us. By polluting our earth, we pollute our food and water source, and make it an over all more difficult place to live. In the film A Civil Action, John Travolta's character, Jan Schlichtmann, comes across a case where children are dying of leukemia. He finds that one of the reasons they are getting it is from the water supply to the town. There are plants all around that have dumped chemicals into the water. People don't think of the effects that they have. If there is an easy way out, like dumping chemicals instead of properly disposing them, people will tend to take it. If we are not careful, pollution is going to take over, and earth will no longer be a place where we can live.