Thursday, September 18, 2008

Animal Dreams

So far my favorite quote from Animal Dreams is, "Its one thing to carry your life wherever you go. Another to always go looking for it somewhere else". This is said by the character Loyd Peregrina to Codi Noline. This is my favorite quote because Loyd is telling off Codi, which needs to be done. He tells her so she will hopefully snap out of her selfpity and live her life. Codi doesn't know how to respond to this, but it makes her realize what she has been doing. This quote helps her figure out what her sister was talking about.

My favorite character in the book is Loyd Peregrina. He so down to earth. I like Loyd the best because he is very opinionated, but so open minded as well. He isn't afraid to tell people, like Codi, what he thinks. Loyd is helping Codi get over her "I don't fit in" attitude. He does this by showing her all of the things that make his life, his. It doesn't matter that he works on the railroad, or his hereitge, its about making the best of what you have.

I think the most important scene in this book is when Loyd and Codi are on the roof of Loyds mothers adobe. This is the most important scene because they go over so much. Even though Codi is trying to sabotage the relationship her and Loyd share, she ends up seeing connections. The things she critisizes, she realizes she believes in them. Through watching the culture and learning about their beliefs, she understands what Hallie was saying about how its what you do that makes your life.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Recent Read

I recently read a book called 13 Reasons Why. I read it because I wanted a short read while i was at camp. The book was so good that my friend and I read it out loud in two days at her cabin right before camp. The book is about a girl, Hannah Baker, who commits suicide. One day these tapes arrive on the step of Clay Jensen, he places them in the tape player and hears Hannah's voice. The tapes tell the story about why Hannah Baker chose to tell her life, the 13 reasons, and the 13 people. Right from the start the story pulls you in, peicing together a mystery you already know the result of. The book is by Jay Asher and I highly recommend it.

Favorite Book

I do not have a favorite book. I do how ever have a favorite series. That series is called Twilight. There are four books, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. I am currently reading the fourth and and final book, Breaking Dawn. The Twilight series is about a girl named Bella who moves to the town of Forks, Washington to live with her dad. There she meets and falls in love with Edward Cullen, who is a vampire, and has a best friend who is a werewolf. I love this series because it surprised me. My younger sister Hannah bought it and told me about it. When I first heard what it was about I laughed, thinking that it must be a very silly book. That weekend we went to my cabin and it rained, I had nothing to do, so I started reading. I instantly loved it. Bella is such and easy character to relate to, and the plot is so up and down its hard to stop reading. The Twilight series is one of a kind.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sisters Comparison

Here is my double bubble map of Hallie and Codi.

Thursday, September 11, 2008